In The News
April 30, 2012
CNN Money: Itsy-bitsy teeny cell towers are coming
February 7, 2012
Rethink Wireless: Vendors adopt APIs to hasten LTE small cell launches
February 7, 2012
Telecom Paper: Small cell vendors race to fulfill operator demand for LTE
November 14, 2011
TMCnet: AirWalk’s Enterprise Femtocell Added to Sprint Solutions
November 14, 2011
Fierce Broadband Wireless: Sprint addresses data offload in public buildings
November 11, 2011
Telecom Paper: Sprint expands in-building portfolio with AirWalk femtocell
November 10, 2011
Light Reading Mobile: Sprint Supports AirWalk’s Enterprise Femto
June 29, 2011
Urgent Communications: AirWalk adds Qualcomm’s UltraSON to EdgePoint PRO
May 14, 2011
Dallasnews.com: New tech companies, technologies always rising to the fore in Dallas area
May9, 2011
TMCnet: AirWalk Boasts a Broad Portfolio of Femtocells and Small Cell Solutions
May 5, 2011
TMCnet: CEO Rich Tehrani speaks with Serge Pequeux, President & CEO of AirWalk Communications
February 14, 2011
Rethink Wireless: AirWalk group designs LTE small cell platform
Feb 2, 2011
ITEXPO East 2011 Keynote: Kevin Martin, Former Chairman of the US Federal Communications Commission
January 25, 2011
IT Expo Release: Former FCC Chairman Kevin Martin Added to List of Keynote Presenters at ITEXPO in Miami
January 5, 2011
TMCnet: 4G Wireless Evolution – Airwalk Appoints Former FCC Chief to Board
January 4, 2011
PC World: Former FCC Chief Kevin Martin Joins AirWalk Board
January 4, 2011
CIO: Former FCC Chief Kevin Martin Joins AirWalk Board
January4, 2011
Forbes: Former FCC head joins AirWalk Communications board
December 24, 2010
Dallas Business Journal: AirWalk Draws Another $10M in VC Funds
November 24, 2010
Wireless Week: 2010 Predictions
April 1, 2010
Nemertes Research Impact Analysis: Airwalk’s LTE Femotcell Spotlights Next-Gen Wireless Trends
March 26, 2010
EE Times: Femtocell maker opts for Lime’s radio
March 26, 2010
Information Week: AT&T Intros MicroCell Femtocell Device
March 22, 2010
Light Reading: CTIA Preview: WiMax Smartphone, LTE & iGloves!
March 22, 2010
BNET: AirWalk Communications Joins with Mindspeed and Aricent to Develop
March 17, 2010
Fierce Mobile IT: Policies, technology trends coming together to benefit enterprise connectivity
March 17, 2010
Rethink Wireless: AirWalk to demonstrate LTE picocell at CTIA show
March 15, 2010
Connected Planet: CTIA: Vendors collaborate on LTE picocells, femtocells
March 15, 2010
Light Reading: AirWalk Preps LTE Picocell Proto for CTIA
March 15, 2010
TMCnet: AirWalk Communications collaborates with Mindspeed and Aricent to develop LTE picocell
February 17, 2010
RCR Wireless: 2010 could be “vintage” year for VC
February 15. 2010
Press Release:GENBAND Highlights Ongoing Standards-Based Femtocell Partner Ecosystem
January 22, 2010
Dallas Business Journal: Capital Spending by Telecom Giants to Rebound in ’10
September 29, 2009
Total Telecom: Acme Packet Creates SIP Femtocell Ecosystem with Leading Solution Vendors
September 11, 2009
TMCnet: AirWalk Communications Introduces the AW100 Series
September 10, 2009
Unstrung: AirWalk Debuts AW100 Series
June 30, 2009
Press Release: Cellcom Honored for Being World Leader in Femtocell Technology
June 30, 2009
Unstrung: Sprint: We’ll Beat AT&T to 3G Femto
May 18, 2009
Businesswire: Femto Forum announces Femtocell Industry Awards 2009 Finalists
April 23, 2009
TMCnet.com: Report: Worldwide Femtocell Equipment Unit Sales to Reach 15M by 2013
April 6, 2009
Mobility Today: CTIA Wireless 2009 Impressions
April 1, 2009
Unstrung: Femtocells go to Wisconson
March 26, 2009
Fierce Telecom: CTIA Show Wireline Angles: FMC and Backhaul
March 25, 2009
FireceVoIP: Acme Packet Loads Up with Interworking, Femtocell News
March 25, 2009
BusinessWire: Acme Packet Creates SIP Femtocell Ecosystem with Leading Solution Vendors
March 19, 2009
Communications Direct: AirWalk Unveils Its Enterprise Femto
March 19, 2009
EE Times: Analyst: Waning Interest in Femtocells is Only Temporary
March 18, 2009
Unstrung: AirWalk Unveils Its Enterprise Femto
March 18, 2009
Telephony Online: AirWalk linking the enterprise PBX to the femtocell
March 17, 2009
TMCnet: AirWalk Introduces New Enterprise Femtocell, EdgePoint PRO
December 18, 2008
Dallas Business Journal: Texas Instruments and Local Companies Betting on Mini Cell Tower Technology
August 5, 2008
FierceVIOP: Femtoprising
June 16, 2008
Telephony Online: Beyond Fixed Mobile Convergence
May 5, 2008
Internet Telephony: Home Invasion: Femtocells
April 11, 2008
Telecommunications: Femtocells: Not One for All and All for One
April 8, 2008
Light Reading LRTV: InFocus Femtocells (video)
April 1, 2008
Electronic Design: AirWalk Femtocell Optimized For Homes, Small Businesses
April 1, 2008
iLocus.com: Interview with Serge Pequeux, CEO, Airwalk Communications
March 31, 2008
Telephony World: Tatara Systems Collaborates with AirWalk on SIP-Based CDMA Femtocell Solution
March 28, 2008
TMCnet: Advanced Femtocell EdgePoint by AirWalk Ready to Dominate Home and Small Business Set-ups
March 5, 2008
TMCnet: Femtocells: The Next Big Thing for Wireless Carriers and Customers
November 19, 2007
CDG: Strong Ecosystem to Support CDMA2000 in AWS Spectrum
July 27, 2007
BBC: Home Cells Signal Mobile Change
July 21, 2007
Information Week: Femtocells-Is There Room For Them On Your Network?
January 30, 2007
WirelessWeek: AirWalk Intros IP CDMA Pilot Beacon
January 30, 2007
Unstrung: AirWalk Touts PilotStation
March 27, 2006
3G Newsroom: AirWalk announces 1xEV-DO Revision A products
March 27, 2006
WirelessWeek: AirWalk, Novatel Unveil Rev A Products
March 14, 2005
3G Newsroom: AirWalk announces CDMA 450MHz portfolio
March 8, 2005
LightReading: AirWalk Wins Tecore OEM Deal
September 27, 2004
Unstrung: Cellcom Deploys Airwalk
March 19, 2004
Venture Wire: AirWalk Communications Launches First Base Station Products
December 15, 2003
Dallas Business Journal: TL Ventures, Korean fund invest $8M in AirWalk
December 15, 2003
Comms Design: Base Station Startup Lands $8 Million in Funding