AirWalk Joins Femto Forum
CDMA Femtocell Manufacturer is New Member of the Premier Industry Association
Richardson, TX—February 27, 2008: AirWalk Communications, an innovator of CDMA IP Radio Access Networks, today announced that it has joined the Femto Forum (www.femtoforum.org), an independent industry association that promotes the uptake of femtocell technologies through open standards, market education and ecosystem development.
Femtocells are low-power wireless access points that operate in licensed spectrum to connect standard mobile devices to a mobile operator’s network using residential DSL or cable broadband connections.
“The femtocell market sector has evolved at extraordinary rates over the last year, and past experiences with similar high-growth technologies reveal that a standard approach is required for long term success. The Femto Forum sets the stage for leading femtocell companies and industry influencers to foster greater understanding of the technology, share best practices and drive deployment.” said Serge Pequeux, president and CEO, AirWalk Communications. “We look forward to becoming highly involved in this knowledge community, which ultimately enables its members to deliver femtocell solutions with maximum value.”
“The Femto Forum thrives on encouraging innovative companies with diverse expertise and backgrounds to unite and deliver solutions designed to advance the entire market,” said Simon Saunders, Chairman of the Femto Forum. “We are pleased to welcome AirWalk as a representative for CDMA femtocells because they bring a depth of knowledge to the association and offer a unique perspective on the industry.”
Femtocells have rapidly been gaining traction because they assure continuous coverage, affordable service and complete mobility in homes and small offices regardless of their proximity to a macro network. Wireless operators maximize their quality of service, reduce macro network costs, and provide a substitute for fixed services in the residential market.
About AirWalk Communications
AirWalk Communications, Inc. (www.airwalkcom.com) is a developer of IP CDMA Radio Access Network (IP-RAN) products that deliver 3G voice and data platforms to address a variety of market segments and networks. AirWalk’s products are modular, stackable and increase coverage and capacity. AirWalk delivered the industry’s first base station and base station controller in a single, inexpensive, compact platform. The company’s radio products operate on the global CDMA licensed frequencies and offer operators new sources of revenue.
About the Femto Forum
Femtocells are cellular access points that connect to a mobile operator’s network using residential DSL or cable broadband connections. The Femto Forum (www.femtoforum.org) has been set up to promote the wide-scale adoption of femtocells. The Forum will support and drive the adoption of industry wide standards and common architectures to enable the widespread adoption & deployment of femtocells by operators around the world. It will direct and implement a multi-faceted marketing campaign to raise the profile, drive technology development & deployment and to promote the potential of femto solutions among industry stakeholders, journalists, analysts, regulators, special interest groups, standards bodies and consumers.